Thursday, April 15, 2010


Let's start at the very beginning...A is for Artichoke!

Now, I'm actually being very easy on myself because this is a vegetable that I already love, but rarely eat because they're expensive. Right now, though, it is artichoke season so they are on sale! $1 for an artichoke doesn't seem so bad, and having just eaten a whole one by myself I am feeling pretty dang satisfied!

Here's what I think about 'em:

1. EASY to prepare: rinse under water, wrap in plastic wrap, microwave for 4 minutes, let stand for 1 minute, and voila! Perfectly delectible artichoke! Steaming this way rather than boiling in water ensures that the nutrients don't leave the artichoke and end up in your pan. Baking or grilling are also tastey ways of preparing artichoke while preserving nutrients, but I'm all about speed and ease.

2. They're one of those foods that are an EXPERIENCE to eat, like pistachios or pomegranates: you have to work for every bite of food! While some may find this annoying, I like how it limits the pace of your meal (you can't just inhale an artichoke in 30 seconds) and think the process adds to its satiety.

3. DIP in some sort of fat: traditionally one would strip off a leaf of artichoke, dip the non-pokey edge in mayo, melted butter, olive oil, margarine, etc, and scrape the "meat" off with your teeth. Overall you consume no more than 1 tbs of fat, but it adds perfect balance to the meal! A little bit of fat = a lot of satiety!


+ an average medium artichoke has only 25 calories
+ 6g of dietary fiber (25% daily recommendation)
+ only 1g sugar
+ 4g protein
+ no fat, no cholesterol (but any dip will likely add fat)
+ recently ranked #1 in antioxidant content by USDA: contains many phytochemicals that help the liver generate new cells, not to mention a significant amount of potassium, vitamin C, folate, and magnesium
+ known to lower blood cholesterol levels

+ people claim they can cure a hangover
+ California grows almost 100% of artichokes eaten in the US
+ "Cynar" liqueor is made from the artichoke (and tastes like artichoke!)

don't be afraid of this pokey-chokey...try one today!

1 comment:

  1. I had no idea that the artichoke was actually that healthy. I will definitely have one (or two) this week.
