Thursday, April 15, 2010

21-Day Vegetable Challenge!!!!

I am not a big fan of vegetables....fruit, I LOVE, but vegetables I have a hard time craving or even swallowing. While I know I get many great nutrients from fruits, I also find that they raise my blood sugar level too high and leave me feeling some sort of "sugar crash", even if I eat them with almond butter, whole nuts, cheese, or soy yogurt (adding proteins and fats lowers the overall glycemic index of the meal, meaning a slower and more steady release of glucose into the blood and longer-lasting energy). Vegetables, on the other hand, provide many nutrients not found in fruits, have much lower sugar levels, and provide essential fiber, all of which help lead to a more satisfying and filling meal. SOOOO... like your mother always told you, you should eat your vegetables!

This leads me to my challenge: I am going to eat a different vegetable each day for 21 days, trying them in preparations that will hopefully be tastey! In doing so I will hold myself accountable for trying new foods even if I don't think they "sound good", and will hopefully discover some great vegetables with amazing nutrients ,that I actually like to eat too!

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