Sunday, April 25, 2010


Believe it or not, the stinking rose is classified as a vegetable! It is in the "Alliaceae" family of plants which includes the onion, leek, shallot, and chive. Large amounts of garlic can actually increase risk of bleeding (such as during menstruation or around childbirth). But in smaller doses garlic is a miracle-worker: it is shown to reduce the build-up of plaque in the arteries, thereby reducing risk of atherosclerosis and high blood pressure, reduces blood cholesterol levels, and helps regulate blood sugar levels. Garlic has adverse reactions with bacteria, fungus, and parasites, and has been used to treat infections from these microbes over the course of history. Garlic is also a vasodilator: it stimulates the dilation of blood vessels, resulting in lowered blood pressure and increased bloodflow. It stimulates the immune system and is being used in treatment of persons with AIDS.

This is essential to know: crushing garlic activates the enzymes which do all of its good work, but cooking garlic at high eat (even 1 minute in the microwave!) disables these enzymes! My recommendation is adding garlic at the last second to your pan of vegetables.


+ 1 oz. has 2g protein, 1g fiber, 42 calories
+ contains significant amounts of Vitamins C and B6, thiamin, calcium, iron, phosphorous, copper, manganese, selenium, and potassium
+ full of important phytochemicals with antioxidant and cancer-preventing effects, especially the sulfur-containing compounds which cause that lovely "garlic breath"


+ garlic's odor - which can emmanate from the pores of the skin in addition to one's breath - comes from the gas "allyl methyl sulfide" which is a byproduct of metabolizing garlic that is absorbed into the bloodstream. But remember - these chemicals are the ones that do such good work in the body
+ people who are allergic to garlic may also have adverse reactions to onions, ginger, and bananas!
+ in the Qu'ran Muhammed forbids going to mosque after eating garlic because the odor will "irritate" fellow worshippers
+ "alliumphobia" is the fear of plants with highly pungent odor and taste

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